
M.C. #66 - Links

DSC_0006 (by hoboartist2)

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ISSUE #66 - Hobo's got a few questions for you. Are you really able to make sense of the barrage of information that is entering your personal space in these hyperactive times? Statistics show that humans are becoming more and more distracted by the digital widgets in our lives. We multitask, and don't really have a full experience of any one thing. We worry about our in-boxes, who is trying to send us messages, and how fast can we reply. We rarely get a real connection to nature, one of the most important healing activities for our species. We worry about our money and all of our debt. We obsess about our weight, our health and what we eat. What a crazy world we have created. Hobo practices a few things that really keep him grounded that you might want to try sometime. The first one is riding a bike whenever possible. This connects you back to your childhood and a more innocent time, plus it keeps you in good shape and makes the planet way more healthy. Second thing Hobo does to calm his frazzled nerves here in 2008 is sit in odd places to draw things he is seeing. This is also a very innocent act and grounds the sketcher to reality in a unique way. By looking for a long time at just one thing and making a little picture of it in your drawing book you will feel a great surge of pure energy. You will be a happier person. Try it sometime. $5.00

Links and References

Marugg Co. 931-592-5042
Danny's post about his trip to oregon
Pigma micron pens at gellyroll.com
Simple Shoes - simpleshoes.com
Terra Trike 800-945-9910

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