Come on Dan, don't let your age be a factor. Stick with it, I'm sure you're way better than when you started already, and you'll just keep getting better and enjoying it more!!!
Of course i will never give up, but just feel dumb for having made such a dumb mistake. Two years ago i did the same thing but actually broke ribs and hurt for months. This time i will leave having learned alot. hobo
Dan, chalk me up in the "don't give up" column. When I learned to water ski, I hit the water (hard) 40 times before I could stay up on the skis for 15 seconds (that's right a measly 15 seconds). I was sore and my friends had a good time making fun but I did eventually get it. Take care of the only body you have but once you heal, get back out there!
Come on Dan, don't let your age be a factor. Stick with it, I'm sure you're way better than when you started already, and you'll just keep getting better and enjoying it more!!!
Of course i will never give up, but just feel dumb for having made such a dumb mistake. Two years ago i did the same thing but actually broke ribs and hurt for months. This time i will leave having learned alot. hobo
Dan, chalk me up in the "don't give up" column. When I learned to water ski, I hit the water (hard) 40 times before I could stay up on the skis for 15 seconds (that's right a measly 15 seconds). I was sore and my friends had a good time making fun but I did eventually get it. Take care of the only body you have but once you heal, get back out there!
hey, after 3 days of laying up and stretching i will attempt to slide in again tomorrow! still hurts the chest to blow my nose!! hobo
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